Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Creed 3

 Hey Everyone, 

I have decided to write about the movie Creed Starring Micheal B Jordan, Tessa Thompson, Jonathan Majors and Mila Davis Kent. The movie starts out With Micheal B Jordan’s character Donnie and his friend Damian as a backstory, they get into a little trouble .

 Something happens with Damian’s character in the movie . And it ends up doing something with his and Donnie’s friendship and brotherhood, you will see what happens with his character when you watch the movie, it at first is really dramatic and tense between the two characters , you will see as the movie goes on , it gets better between them. 

After we see the backstory of Donnie and Damian, we then go to the present day and see what Donnie is up too, he has a daughter named Amara, she is deaf and his wife’s name is Bianca, since Amara has a hearing impairment they became fluent in sign language so they can communicate with her. 

Donnie is recently retired from boxing and he is running a boxing academy with little Duke, and he is training one of his boxers to fight, Donnie’s mother isn’t doing too well, her health is declining and Amara wants to be a boxer like her dad and it ends up getting her into trouble at school. You will see that situation play out in the movie .

Amara is really a good girl, she doesn’t get into that much trouble , she’s very good at standing up for herself. 

We then later run into the Character Damian the character that was talked about earlier in the backstory of Him and Donnie. Damian is waiting on Donnies car, he at first doesn’t recognize him , and once Donnie starts talking to him he then remembers him and he is happy to see him and takes him out for a meal so they can catch up with each other and see how life is going and what they each have been up to since they last saw each other. 

We find out that Damian has been released from prison and he wants to get into boxing again,Donnie brings him by the boxing academy and things don’t go really well there, he doesn’t really listen to instructions and he is a little upset because he was in prison for a long time.

 So Donnie invites Damian over to his house to meet his wife and daughter, the meeting goes ok, Damian tells a story about his and Donnie’s life in the group home and it’s one Bianca has not heard before . 

So after the Dinner Damian asks Donnie privately to set him a up a match with an another boxer, Damian wants to prove he is a good boxer too. 

Damian leaves and Donnie and Bianca go to a party, and some kind of incident happens at the party and someone gets hurt . Donnie decides to Put Damian up against one of the other boxers and Damian wins the fight. 

Damian has had some family hardships, and you will see that play out in the movie. 

He wants the life that Donnie has for himself, you will see that situation play out when you watch the movie.

I have decided to write about this movie because Micheal B Jordan is an incredible Actor, he really puts his heart and soul into the movies that he does . And because I am also a fighter, I was born into the world as a fighter, one of my sayings is Your gonna me Roar .

 I continue to roar through because I am a strong and confident young lady. And I was blessed with a crew of good people that got my back and I got theirs, they can count on me for anything.

My favorite scene from the movie is when Micheals character Donnie has a tea party with his daughter Amara. That scene is so sweet !

When you get a chance check out Creed 3 ! You will absolutely enjoy it!

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

My Big Sister Adrian!

 Hey Everyone, How Are you? I hope you all are doing well! I can't believe it is May already, the months are moving by quick.

 I have decided to write about one of my best friends and my big sister Adrian today she is such a blessing and bright light in my life. 

She has known me since I was little, and a wonderful friend of my family's. She is also extremely talented, and a wonderful Brow Artist, she is a beautiful person inside and out. .

 I recently started going back to my home church Dayspring Ministries and before My family and I went back to dayspring we had been visiting other churches to check them out and to praise and fellowship with people. 

We had a good time at the other churches we visited but we didn't get the same feel at the other churches like we do now at Dayspring.

 My Big Sister Adrian attends the same church that we go to, Ill get to that part of the story soon. Before I saw her at Dayspring I had seen her at a different event, an event that my moms work was hosting,

It was like an Art Event, and she invited one of her other good friends along to take pictures while we were at the event and take pictures of the people that were there and the different portraits that were displayed. 

And while the event was wrapping I looked over and got a wonderful and amazing surprise, I saw Adrian I was so excited and happy to see her, I think that was God's first sign of leading me back to dayspring because he knows how much I love and care about Adrian, and how sweet and kind, caring she is, she always has a bright and beautiful smile on her face every time I see her. The love of God just shines through her inside and out, after the event, I didn't see her for a while, I did keep in contact in with her though, I enjoy talking with her, she always lifts my spirits up and encourages me when I need it. 

A couple weeks later we decided to visit Dayspring again around Father's Day and before we visited Dayspring again, I had talked to my big sister the day before, and in my head I was wondering when I would get to see her again, God had a plan he works in mysterious ways, So we made it to Dayspring and we saw a lot of good friends and were welcomed kindly and with big smiles and hugs, It felt good to be back! Before service ended the pastor asked the congregation if anyone would like to join the church, My parents decided to join Dayspring, I was really happy and excited of them. We were back at our home church, there is no place like home! Since my parents decided to join, they had to have a little meeting to discuss everything and what they had to do to become official members, While I was waiting I saw my friend's dad and he told me Adrian is here! I was thinking Wow, God is really working, I didn't know that she was a member there, when I saw her she was glowing with God's light and looked like an Angel I knew that God had set up a divine Encounter! 

It was so good to see her, we had a good and strong Connection with one another, the next time I saw her was when she helped my mom with her Aka Event, she is a talented and amazing and has gifted hands. My mom did a photo shoot, her pictures look beautiful.

 I also believe that God used Adrian to also help bring me back to Dayspring, because he is a good and awesome God. The next day after that event,I had decided to join the church and became a member like my mom and dad did. And I officially became a member around Christmas Time my favorite Holiday.

God knows what to do and how to plan it, he has every day of my life written in his book, and always knows what I am going to do, Before the day I became an official member I wanted to get a nice outfit, because I love dressing up for church, and I like looking fancy.

 I also wanted to get a nice outfit for christmas, so my big sister took me shopping, and picked out a beautiful dress and a Disney christmas outfit that I love and enjoy wearing, it brings  a smile to my face everytime I wear it. This was God's divine Encounter and his hand moving in my life. 

And she has also blessed me in other ways, too she always graces  me with her presence, because I can depend on her and I trust her with my whole heart.

 Another way she has blessed me is she did my makeup for my birthday, It blessed my heart so much and put a big smile on my face.

 I had so much fun and I was elated to celebrate my birthday with her, I loved my makeup she did a beautiful job to me I looked liked a princess my mom said WOW you look different a good different! 

And also I had been wanting to get my ears pierced again because I missed wearing earrings, so I asked her if she would like to come along with me to get my ears pierced and she said that she would love too, so she came along to my ear piercing appointment and I am so glad that she was there with me and it is a moment I will keep in my Heart forever.  

She is very supportive of me too, I recently made the choice of wanting to be baptized and she was the first person I told, I told her how nervous I was and how I was scared about being put in the water, she immediately knew how to put me at ease, and calm me down. She said that I got this and that I could do it. 

I told her thank you so much for your encouragement and support. So then it came time for my baptism and she was there and that made me feel good, and my mom and dad and all of my dayspring family, and a couple of my close friends were too and my good friend Makayla was there too. I got baptized and I was so happy that I did it and made it! 

My mom and big sis congratulated me afterwards and my big sis gave me a big hug! She said I told you that you could do it! She has always been there for me, and has been to a lot of important events in my life, and always has my back. 

She has really changed my life. I have always wanted a big sister ever since I was little girl, I would pray to God please bless me with a big sister! 

God answered my prayer and did just that! I can to talk to her about anything, she always points me back to Jesus and always tells me how much he loves me and that I am his.  I would never trade her for anything, 

I love her with all my heart and I am very proud of her. I know that God has big plans for her, and will make all her dreams come true that she wants for herself. I will always be there for her and have her back like she has mine.  I am so glad to be back at my Home Church Dayspring Ministries and glad that God used Adrian as my Divine Encounter!

Grown Ups

  Hey Everyone!!!  I hope your 2025, is going well so far, I can’t believe we are half- way through February, My birthday Month will be here...