Thursday, February 3, 2022

What Men Want-Taraji P Henson

Hey Everyone ! I have exciting news to Celebrate Black History, I am writing my One Hundredth  blog on one of my favorite movies With TaraJI P Henson, It is Called What Men Want, She does an outstanding job in this movie and is very funny. 

She plays a character named Ali Davis she is a successful Sports Agent in the State of Atlanta she is not included by her male colleagues, she is the only women at her work place, she is wanting a promotion on her job since she has done a wonderful job and has been working so hard,

 It is given to someone else she asks her boss why it was not given to her and he says because he thinks she does not connect well with men. 

She announces that she is going to sign Jamal-Barry he is a young basketball Player. He is an up-and coming basketball star that is starting to get known in the world. 

After a long day at work Ali decides to go out and hang out with her father and have a drink, after they talk and he says goodbye she goes up to the bar and starts flirting with one of the bar-tenders his name is Will, he plays a significant part in the movie, you will see him once you watch the movie and figure out what role he is playing and how he is matched with Ali.  

Ali decides to go ahead home and get some rest to prepare for the next day, she ends up arriving at her photo-shoot with one of her clients, and she stands up for her client, which makes an also very important character in the movie named Joe Barry angry. 

Jamal's father and manager, you will see the role he plays and what he is like when you watch the movie, he is a very funny character that will make you laugh,  After her photoshoot, she is goes to her friends Mari's bachelorette party and she is introduced to a physic named Sister, Sister gives her some kind of potion that will help her understand men,  

She is feeling kind of weird after the party, and ends up going to the hospital, the doctor is telling her she looks good and that she will be able to go home soon, when the doctor isn't speaking anymore and looking at  his chart, she can hear what he is thinking, she doesn't understand what is happening and leaves the hospital right away.

When you see the movie, You will notice the change that happens with Ali, and the situations that she goes through after she meets with the physic. She at first is really freaked out about it because she is hearing all kinds of inner thoughts by different men. She then is happy about it because she uses it to her advantage for her job and you will see what happens in the movie with Ali and her secret weapon that she has.

I decided to write about this movie because It is a nice story, and it is very comical; and dramatic and keeps you engaged with the story the whole time. You never know what is coming up next which makes the story exciting and thrilling, Taraji really brings her character to life, and makes the movie very fun and light-hearted and it brings a smile to your face. Some of the scenes in the movie are very heart-felt and genuine. Every one gave a hundred percent on the movie.

My favorite scene from the Movie is When Taraji first finds out, she can hear voices and it is really freaking her out, and she doesn't know what to do. Her assistant picks her up from the hospital and they are on their way to work, while they are on their way she can hear what his thoughts are in his head even when he isn't saying anything, she puts up with it as long as she can, she then tells him to drop her off and she is going to take the stairs, he tells her that she doesn't do stairs, you should see how fast she moves up the stairs. The rest of the scene is so funny! She is one of my favorite Actresses. 

I recommend this movie to anyone who enjoy romantic comedies and gain the hilarious insights about the inner thoughts of Men. It is a movie for Adults and young Adults! What Men Want (DVD) [2019] : Movies & TV

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