Friday, April 15, 2022

My 25th Birthday

 Hey Everyone! I would like to talk about my 25th birthday experience. 

Once upon a time It was March 15th and I woke up exhilarated, and my dog Elijah even felt excited with me because he knew it was my birthday and how long I have been looking forward to this day. I had my outfit picked out and everything I wore a silver and black gown! Silver was representing the age of turning 25 and being a quarter of a century! I wanted to do my 25th Birthday big! I love my Birthday!

 I even bought a mini Tux for him and he wore it the whole day! He strutted in that little of Tux of his! He looked cute and handsome too! 

As the morning went along, I got all my things together to prepare for the day and have my face ready to take photos after I got my hair done and looking good! '

Well I had a hair appointment scheduled that morning the day of my birthday at 11;00 am so before I left for my hair appointment, 

I walked my dog Elijah so he could be good and settled while I was at the hair salon,so I walked him and then we came back home to go to the hair appointment! 

And when I was in the house my mom was saying we gotta go, we can't be late!

 There happened to be a minor inconvenience we had made it to the car and I realized I forgot a couple of things in the house, so i ran in the house to collect my items and then I got in the car my mom said to let my hair stylist know that I was going to be late and that I was going to be there by 11;15. 

I made it to the hair salon, and my wonderful hair stylist said that she was ready for me! And we arrived it was an extra special day because I received extra special treatment and my mom did too, we were the only people in the salon the whole time! 

I got my hair done  and when I was finished I was looking at myself in the mirror and my hair stylist said that I could have a couple of necklaces, I told her that I had my wallet so I could pay her and then she said this is a gift! So I said thank you so much!

 The necklace went perfect with my dress. Before we left I asked my mom if she could put my eyelashes on because I wanted to have them on for my pictures and my birthday photoshoot! 

So my mom asked my hair stylist if it was ok if she put my eyelashes on and she said no problem! So my mom asked for some guidance for the eyelashes and my hair stylist kindly helped her and told her how to put them on me! My mom never put eyelashes on me before or anyone else, she had the confidence like the Demi Lovato song Confident and put them on me! And said that there was also an angel guiding her hand the whole time that she was putting my eyelashes on me so I could look good and fabulous.

She did a terrific job and they looked amazing on me! I looked like a whole new Lady! I took a few selfies before I left to celebrate my turning 25 so I could share the photos with my family and friends and celebrate another year of living and celebrating life!

After my hair appointment, my mom and me went out to lunch at Texas Roadhouse, that is a really good restaurant ! I have eaten there a few times with my family, it has been a while so I thought that we would eat there to have a nostalgic time. 

So we made it to the restaurant and remembered all the good times we had before and we sat a nice booth, my mom and me looked at the menus and decided what we wanted to eat! 

So we made our order, and then as me my mom are talking I get a surprise call from my Big brother Devin, I look at my phone and I tell my mom its Devin Devin! I gave her a playful punch on the arm because I was so excited to talk to him! 

We were on the phone awhile, even when the food came out we were still talking on the phone, I didn't mind because It was good to talk with him and catch up, have good conversation!

We had a wonderful lunch and a good talk, also my Uncle Deric my mom's awesome brother checked in too how we were doing and enjoying the day! 

I got to talk to him while I was at the hair salon, he sang happy birthday to me! It was a wonderful memory for me and one I will keep forever!

After my Divine the next stop on my Birthday journey was going to Target with my dad! He was very excited to celebrate my birthday with me, so we went to Target and he let pick out anything I wanted!

 I picked out a couple of books and a some nice Camo Pants. I also got a call from close friend of the family to wish me a happy birthday! 

After Target I came home, and I noticed a couple of birthday packages that were made to me for my birthday and they were from my amazing cousin Ria! 

I opened the first box and it was Birthday sash that is very beautiful and glamorous, it says I am celebrating  my 25th Birthday! 

I was so happy and elated it blessed my heart so much! I opened the second box and there was a shiny and Beautiful crown in the box! It says 25, I said Wow! I love this crown! 

It went with my whole outfit! So after I put on the sash and crown, I took a couple of selfies in them and my family loved them.

I am known as Princess Emerald in my family, I think I moved up to Queen now because a few of my family members were saying Yes Queen You are looking Good and Beautiful! 

My birthday reminded me of the story of Esther of how brave, and confident and Poised she is and how she had God's favor and blessings upon her. I saw that through out my whole birthday like with my outfit Esther wore a beautiful gown to make her presence known as the Queen. 

And When I wore my gown that reminded me of Esther because she wore a gown, and when I received the jewelry that made me think of in the story when the King asks Esther what is her request? And how we would bless her with half of his kingdom.

 I was blessed with a wonderful gift! And I also a saw a similarity with the crown I was blessed with because in the story Esther has a crown bestowed upon her head to show that she is the Queen! And when I received my Birthday Crown that made me feel like Esther because she also wore a royal Queen and was very royal in the kingdom, she had a very genuine, kind,pleasant, quiet and humble spirit just like me!  

My whole birthday I felt very royal and felt like a queen! To top off my royal 25th Birthday night, I received a birthday call from one of my favorite cousins, she called me and wished me a Happy Birthday! 

And how much she loved my pictures and how she liked my gown! And she gave me really encouraging words and advice to go into my year of being 25! 

It made my heart feel very happy and full! I received  a lot of love and birthday wishes from my family that made me feel so happy and like the most blessed girl in the world! I love my family so much! 

There always there for me, always encourage me when I need it, and aways have my back, and I know I can always count on them, like they can always count on me!  Another thing that also made me smile is I received a birthday text from my Awesome Cousin Eric wishing  me a happy Birthday! That put a smile on my face! I was very happy and elated to hear from him! 

This is a birthday I will always hold dear and always remember!  I believe 25 will be an outstanding and fabulous year for me!

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