Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Mamma Mia

Hey Everyone! Mamma Mia is one of my Favorite Musical Movies. It is so much fun and has amazing  music in it. It is my favorite movie because I have always loved music and I feel like I can relate to Donna, one of the main characters, because we both like traveling, She lives her life to the fullest. My favorite song from Mamma Mia is Dancing Queen because I love dancing. It makes me feel like a young child again I don't have to worry about anything. I can feel happy for a few minutes and just dance. Meryl Streep is a splendid actress and she plays Donna very well; I also really like her in Julie and Julia, In that Movie, She plays a character named Julia and she is a famous cook that comes up with different  recipes for her fans because she loves to cook and she loves food. And Amy Adams is also in the Movie, She Plays Julie, Julie looks up to Julia because of the kind of person she is and because she also loves to cook. So Julie starts a blog on different cooking recipes ones that Julia has made, Julie tells her followers on her blog what she is cooking and then references that Julia is the one that came up with the recipe. Everyone likes her cooking blog, that is why I am starting to like my blog because one of my Actresses comes up with a blog in a cooking movie. And a different actress named sara drew, She is in a few movies, you may know her from Grey's Anatomy she played Dr.Kepner. She is a Mommy Blogger in the Movie Moms Night Out. If you haven't seen it, Check it out. It is a wonderful Movie. I liked Blogging from that movie too! I love Movies!

 Meryl Streep is one of the main characters in the movie. Another one of my favorite songs from Mamma Mia is Mamma Mia, It gives me an exciting feeling in my spirit. Meryl puts her everything in the song and her spirit. If you haven't seen Mamma Mia before it is about a girl looking for her dad and finding out who she is, She wants to find out who her dad is  before she gets married because she wants him to walk her down the aisle the day of her wedding. Her mom does not know that her daughter has invited her dads to her wedding, she doesn't know that she is interested in finding him. Donna is the mother of Sophie, Donna is played by Meryl Streep. One Day Donna goes for a walk and looks inside a window she sees three men that she knows. She starts wondering where did they come from? How did they get to where she is? Then she bursts into song and starts singing Mamma Mia. She sings in different areas of where she lives to hide from the three men which one of them may be Sophie's dad. Finally Donna climbs up the stairs to where there is a rectangular door she has trouble opening it. There is this group of people behind her while she is singing and a guy that is behind her, she supposedly cant see that there is a group behind her, the guy opens the door and she falls through the hole into the room where the three men are. They told her she always knew how to make an entrance. 

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Drum line

Hey Everyone !!  Hope you are having a wonderful and amazing day!! I have decided to do a blog on one of my favorite movies Drumline Starrin...