Wednesday, May 19, 2021


 Hey everyone, I have decided to write a rom-com movie. The Movie Stars Will Smith, Eva Mendes and Kevin James, Amber Valletta, Will Plays Hitch, Eva Plays Sara, Amber Plays Allegra, Kevin Plays Albert.

 Will Smith plays the character Alex Hitchens, He is a dating coach he helps men win the girl of their dreams with different tips and maneuvers.

 Kevin James plays the character Albert, he is interested in a woman named Allegra.  He wants to win her heart, One day Hitch is helping one of his clients and after he is coaching his client, he finds Albert and studies him to see if he can help him out to win the girl of his dreams. 

Hitch walks up to Albert and introduces himself, He tells Albert that he is a dating coach, he helps men in their relationships with women, and help them get the women of their dreams.

 Albert asks him if he can help him out Hitch says sure, He goes over everything with him, and everything that he is supposed to do to win her heart.  

He gives Albert guidance and directions, like what he should do and not do on dates, and what he should say when he is on his dates with Allegra.

 Albert is very pleased to have Hitch guiding him and directing him in the way he should go to have a happy and exciting life. 

You will see the different ways that Hitch helps Albert and see the different steps he gives him when he is on the early stages of dating the woman that his heart desires to spend the rest of his life with. 

While Hitch is helping Albert, Hitch finds a woman named Sara that he is interested in. And possibly wanting to spend his life with. You will see in the movie the adventure that Hitch has with his crush, a lot of funny and hilarious events happen.

I chose to write about this movie because I enjoy a lot of Will Smith Movies. He is a wonderful Actor, and portrays the character that he was assigned to play in his different movies very well. 

You feel like the character that he is playing is a real person because he puts everything that he has into that character, like in Aladdin he played the Genie.

And he was very believable he worked hard to make sure when he played the genie that it  would be a phenomenal performance. He did a terrific job as the Genie.

 He is my favorite character from Aladdin. I also like romantic comedies because it gives me a nice feeling in my heart because a lot of romantic comedies are heart-warming and funny. This movie is something I think everyone would enjoy because It has a lot of good characters, wonderful scenery and a very good plot.

I enjoy that Will smith really dug into his character of Hitch and you can see in the movie what an amazing job he did playing Hitch, he really brought of the character of Hitch and made it his own. He put all of his heart and spirit into this role so the audience could feel the emotion and everything else that is happening with Hitch. 

My favorite Part of Hitch is when Hitch is practicing different dance moves with Albert, he is showing him the right dances moves to do with the girl of his dreams. He tells him to stay relaxed and to dance in a fun, and cool way , You will see in the scene how Hitch directs Albert on dancing it is very funny. He tells him just to stay on the beat when he is dancing, and not to any crazy stuff that might scare Alegra off. 

I would recommend this movie to anyone who loves a good romantic comedy, I am sure you will really enjoy it when you see it.

Watch Hitch Full Movie Online | DIRECTV


Grown Ups

  Hey Everyone!!!  I hope your 2025, is going well so far, I can’t believe we are half- way through February, My birthday Month will be here...