Monday, May 17, 2021

John Q

 Hey everyone today I am writing about one of Denzel Washington's movies John Q. It is a drama/action movie. It is a good movie and heart wrenching, It pulls at some of your heart strings. John and his family are a happy and living life fine.

 The movie starts out with John watching tv and then he hears a noise outside of his window, he sees a truck outside and immediately runs outside to talk to the guy outside that his car on his tow truck.

He tells him that taking his car is a mistake and that he just payed the car bill, his wife Denise then gets upset about the situation because that is her car that is being towed away. John and Denise go back inside the house to eat breakfast, his wife is still somewhat upset about the car situation, she frustratedly tells him they took my car, John tells her that he is only getting a certain amount of hours on his job and he is doing  his best, he wants Denise to tell him that it is ok, and that everything will be fine.

 Denise says that it is fine and she will be ok.John tells her that everything will be ok and he will be able to work everything out with the car situation, she tells him that she needs a ride to work. 

He is happy to give her a ride to work, John and Denise have a son named Mikey he loves body building, and all the people involved in body building. 

He knows all the movements and what is involved with body building, he is also a baseball player. Mikey in the beginning of the movie is a healthy, and happy boy. The family doesn't know that everything is about to change their life in an instant. The family all gets in John's truck so he can drop Mikey off at school, Denise off at work and then he goes to work. 

You will see what happens with John and his work in the movie, It is a very interesting plot that is involved with his work. They all go to church next, the day that they all go to church is the day everything changes for the family. 

Mikey has a baseball game that day, so they arrive at the baseball game and the game is going good so far, It is Mikey's turn at the bat, so he takes his stance at the home plate, and he hits the ball, he then starts running to the bases on the field, he almost makes it to all the bases something happens before he reaches the third base he collapses on the field and is unresponsive, his mom and dad run to him to see if they can get a response out of him, they see that they can't and they rush him to the hospital.

In the movie you will see what happens when he arrives at the hospital and gets checked in to the hospital. Once he is admitted, the parents go to meet his son's doctors in a board to discuss what is happening with Mikey, they found out that is heart is not working like it is supposed too, he needs a heart transplant. 

In the movie they discuss the treatment plan and how to make Mikey feel better and go home with his parents. You will see in the movie how good the storyline is and the length that parents go for their children because they love them so much and want the best for them. Denzel does an amazing Job in this movie, you will see what lengths he goes through to help his song get a transplant. 

 I enjoy that Denzel really puts himself into his character and into the role of the father to the character Mikey. He does everything to make sure his son gets a new heart. He puts his own life in jeopardy and at stake for Mike to continue living his life. In the Movie there is a scene where John comes out of the hospital to talk to the police officer detective about his son.

 He tells him that he is not going to bury his son his son is going to bury him. That scene struck my heart, I cannot imagine what it is like for a parent when they have to bury their child. I imagine that the pain is unbearable and the most heart-breaking thing in the world. Denzel just wanted his son to be happy and healthy again, He was going to do whatever it took to get his son healthy and happy again, and living the life he was living before. 

I like this movie because it shows how much parents love their kids and go the extra mile for them because their child means everything to them, and they want their child to know that they are loved and cared for, and that they will always be there for them,and they can always count on them if they need anything. 

I have decided to write about this movie today because this is a really good and touching movie, You see what extraordinary measures Denzel's character takes to make sure his son gets a heart transplant and able to continue living his life. And it shows the love and compassion that parents have for their children.

I would recommend this movie to anyone who loves drama movies, and good heart-warming stories. 

John Q Review | Movie - Empire

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