Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Sing 2


Hey everyone! I hope you all had a merry christmas and a happy new year! Before Christmas, I went to the movies with my friend Brittany and saw Sing 2. 

I love the movie sing, It has a great story line and amazing characters whenever you have a chance see the first movie Sing it is amazing. 

Sing 2 starts off with Meena, Johnny, Rosita, Ash and Gunther starring in a performance of Alice in wonderland the Musical and Meena is playing Alice, they have had a lot of successful shows and the last show they performed was sold out because a lot of people wanted to see it and love all the stars in the play. 

They had a talent scout come to see the play in Buster's new theater, she left close to the ending of the play, buster ran out to talk to her to see if she had enjoyed the play and if she will promote it, she said that she enjoyed the play and that it was very cute it isn't what she is looking to promote at the moment. 

Buster wants to take his friends to the city so everyone can see what they can do, the talent scout ski tells him that he will never make it in the big city. 

Buster is at first disappointed and frustrated, he doesn't know what to do he talks to Nana Noodleman she is a wonderful singer and his best friends nana she has been in the show business a long time, when you see the first sing movie you will see who Nana Noodleman is, she gives buster some advice and tells him to go for his dreams and to keep looking forward. 

He takes his crew out to the city, they at first are all nervous and not sure about going and buster tries encouraging them by telling them they got this and that the city will love them. 

While they are still talking the bus starts pulling off Rosita runs and stands in front of the bus, she tells her friends that she has been waiting her whole life for this moment, and that she got her husband Norman to watch their Kids for 24 hours she is not going to let this moment pass her by.

 Her friends then get on the bus and Buster hands them song sheets to rehearse what they are going to sing when they arrive at their destination Ash asks him if they are going to rehearse on the bus?

 Buster tells her yes and the other passengers are very Inspired and encouraged when they hear them rehearsing. They arrive at their destination  and sneak in for an audition. There is something that happens when they get inside the building Meena does something to help them get inside the audition room so they can be in the show that the whole city is coming to see. 

The auditions are already going on when they make it to the audition room, the person that is holding the auditions his name is Jimmy crystal, the different acts that are auditioning he hits the buzzer every time he doesn't like any of them. 

And then when it Buster's and his friends turn before they even get a chance to sing he hits the buzzer and tells them to leave. 

Buster says thank you for your time, and as they are heading out Gunther comes up with an Idea he pitches a space-themed show and the main star would be Clay Calloway he is a famous rock star who has not been seen in 15 years you will find out why when you watch the movie. 

Crystal likes the pitch and green lights it, he says that Buster has three weeks to put the show together. In the movie you will find out how they bring the whole show together and pull it off. They all work together and the show is amazing and wonderful. 

You will also see in the movie a little story of Clay Calloway and why he hasn't been seen in 15 years. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time during the movie, they had a lot of bright and beautiful colors. 

And a lot of wonderful songs you will recognize when you see the movie and can sing along too, It is as fantastic as the first movie, It will leave you with a smile on your face and joy in your heart.

I Chose to write about this movie today because I really enjoy the movie sing and all the characters because they each have different storylines and you get to see the different lives of the characters and see what is going on in their different lives and how they are following and reaching their goal to make their dream happen.

 I also love sing because I love singing, It gives me a lot of joy and happiness Inside. I have been singing as long as I can remember I was always involved in chorus at school. It also makes me feel like I am at Disney World sometimes it is one of my favorite places in the world, It makes me forget all of my worriers and stresses.

My favorite character from Sing is Meena, Tori Kelly plays her her character in the movie is an elephant, Tori Kelly does an outstanding job in the movie you can really relate to her character. 

I like Meena because even though she is shy, she is still caring and kind, and has a big heart she loves singing too. It reminds me of myself because I can be shy sometimes but I am a outgoing person and kind, caring, friendly and I have a big heart like Meena does. She looks out for her friends and family and helps them with whatever they need.

 She is very courageous and a bright Star. She has an incredible singing voice, It sounds like an angel. I believe Tori Kelly is the right person to play Meena because Tori is very kind and caring, she loves her family and friends, and she has a very caring and kind heart. 

She also loves singing and loves music too. She has a lot of amazing and fantastic music, my favorite album of hers is her christmas Album I love her song Silent night, It is so calming and inspiring, she really sings it from her heart and you can feel it deep inside your heart when you listen to it.

 I did a quiz on which character am I from sing? And I got the character Meena I was so excited! When you see the movie sing 1 and Sing 2 I am sure you will end up with a favorite character from the movie and one that you can relate to. My favorite scene with Meena is when she is performing in the show she gets a special song to sing, she has her first crush and her crush's name is Alfonzo and he is an Ice-cream vendor, she doesn't like the person that she is performing the song with so she imagines that he is Alfonzo and she really gets into it, It is a really fun and happy scene. The song is say a little prayer for you! She also has a costume change in the movie it is really cool! 

My favorite scene from Sing 2 is when Rosita is getting ready for her big scene, and in the scene she is preparing for she is supposed to jump off a diving board and onto the stage. 

There is one thing that she is afraid to do in her scene and that is jump off the diving board, she is afraid of heights so the scene is going on and it is time for her to jump off the diving board she is very hesitant, while she is sitting on the board she sees buster talking to crystal and then sees crystal drop buster and he is falling, Rosita then forgets about her fear and saves Buster. 

She puts her fear aside to save her friend buster because she saw he was in danger and did not want him to get hurt. She was very brave and courageous, that scene was Incredible and amazing. Reese Witherspoon does an amazing job playing her in the movie, she is very believable and funny and really brings you into her character she brings a lot of life to it.

The whole cast does an amazing job in the movie, They all bring their characters to life and make them seem real in their own way. And really bring you into their world! I really enjoyed the movie and I am so glad that I got to see it I was really touched! 

I recommend this movie to anyone who likes a fun singing animated movie It is Incredible!

Sing 2 at an AMC Theatre near you. 

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