Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Home alone

Hey everyone! I am so excited for Christmas! It is my favorite Holiday ever! I love watching christmas movies. One of my favorite christmas movies is Home alone starring Macaulay he is a wonderful actor, It is a really funny movie and good story. 

His character is named Kevin Macalister , he is the youngest of his siblings. His extended family is over at his house because they are all celebrating christmas together, they are going to Paris. 

He doesn't always get along with his older siblings he is the subject of ridicule, While the family is packing and getting ready for their trip they decide to order pizza and have dinner before they do their final touches on packing up for their trip to Paris.

 Kevin's favorite pizza is cheese pizza, when he comes down for dinner he sees a lot of his family already eating pizza he asks if someone ordered cheese pizza for him, his brother Buzz tells hum that they did order the cheese pizza and that there was only one slice left and he ate it. 

That made Kevin upset, he gets into a little scuffle with him and he makes Buzz bump into the soda and it spills all over the passports and tickets. 

His family then gets upset at him for what he caused his mom makes him go upstairs to the attic for punishment he then tells his mom that he wishes that they would all go away and that he could be left alone.

 During the evening there is heavy winds going on, and from all the weather changes happening that evening it makes the power lines go out and ends up changing the alarm clocks from their original time they were originally set on. 

The family ends up waking up late and have to rush to the airport so they don't miss their plane. They make it to the airport and on to the plane, Later the movie shows Kevin at the house and he is just waking up he doesn't know his family has left and gone to the airport on their way to Paris. 

Kevin is calling his mom and dad, his different family members names and looks outside to see if his parent's cars are there and they are he wonders where they could be. Later it shows his mom and dad on the airplane, his mom gets a concerned look on her face like she forgot something at home. She realizes later that she forgot Kevin at her house. 

Kevin later realizes that he is home alone, and that he can do anything he wishes and likes. Back at the airport his mom is trying to figure out a way to reach Kevin or someone on the phone to see if Kevin is ok and to let him know that his family is coming to get him. 

His mom calls the police department, and tells the police the situation, and they tell her that they will send someone over to check on Kevin. 

His mom then goes over to Kevin's dad to see if he made any progress on getting an airplane home, he tells her that there isn't any airplanes flying until a couple more days.  

The lady that Kevin's dad is talking with tells Kevin's mom that she can wait in the airport if she would like on stand-by and see if a seat opens up, she decides to wait at the airport, and the family goes on her husband's brothers house. 

Back at home we are introduced to two men named Harry and Marv, they are robbers who like to steal things from nice houses, they like Kevin's house a lot they decide that is the house they are going to steal from. 

Kevin hears them the first evening they show up, and he turns on all the lights so they think that someones home, they thought that the family went to Paris. They leave and then Kevin says when they come back he will be ready.

You will see in the movie what kind of trouble the robbers get into with Kevin, he sets up different traps for them. 

Kevin does a very good job at protecting his home, and you will see in the movie how good of a job he does and you will get a chance to see what happened with the robbers.

I chose to write about this movie because it is a wonderful, and funny christmas movie you can enjoy with your family. It has a lot of funny and dramatic scenes that will make you laugh and smile. Kevin does a good job in the movie, he is really good at playing his character. The whole cast does a wonderful job, they all really get into their characters.

My favorite scene from Home alone is when Kevin sets up all the traps for Harry and Marv when they come into his house, and they run into all of them and get into all sorts of funny situations. 

I recommend this movie to anyone who would love to watch a good comedy and heart-felt movie. It will warm your heart with happiness and joy.

Home Alone (1990) - IMDb

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Hey Everyone!!  I  hope you all are having a wonderful week so far!  I have decided to write about one of my favorite movies Shrek, It has a...