Thursday, September 26, 2024

Drum line

Hey Everyone !! 
Hope you are having a wonderful and amazing day!! I have decided to do a blog on one of my favorite movies Drumline Starring Nick Cannon, Zoe Saldana, Orlando Jones, Leonard Robert’s and a whole amazing cast.

The movie follows a young man who is from New York and he is a drummer who is played by Nick Cannon he  enters A&T University in Atlanta Georgia, he bumps heads with the leader of his new school drum section. 

Devon just graduated from high school and he’s headed to Atlanta Georgia to attend the A&T University a historically black college that takes enormous pride in its marching band.

Devon was personally invited to attend on a full scholarship by Dr. Lee head of the band for his prodigious talents.

the band separates itself from its competitors by requiring all members to read music rather than what is currently popular on the radio , and by dedication to the teamwork emphasized one band, one sound concept.

Preseason band camp is mentally and physically challenging designed to push members past their limits, at the end of pre season the musicians audition for spots on the field .

Devon is the only freshman to make P1, the highest level player , he also finds time to get a girlfriend and romances her , his girlfriend’s name is Laila.

 Sean Devon’s percussion leader is  growing weary of Devon’s cockiness he decides to challenge him to take a solo in his first game believing he will panic and be embarrassed.

Sean is shocked and humiliated when Devon takes the solo which upsets Dr. Lee, as punishment Dr. Lee orders Sean to clean the drums, this sets up tension in the drum line which is exacerbated.

 When Dr. lee is told by School president Wagner to change his focus from music to entertainment or risk losing funding.

 Dr. Lee doesn’t want to give him more playing time, because of his lack of respect and selfish attitude , he finds out that he lied on his college application about being able to read music.

He is demoted to P4 by Dr. Lee until he learns reluctantly he gives him his P1 Spot back when Wagner pressures Dr. Lee.

Devon inflames a fight at A&Ts homecoming game with a visiting band , he is expelled from the band by Dr. Lee and the fight also strains his relationship with Laila .

She is embarrassed to introduce him to her parents who attended the game. Devon contacts A&Ts rival school board Morris College to discuss playing for their band next season.

Mr. Wade Browns  leader says that Devon doesn’t need to know how to read music , he will likely get a full scholarship and a good position on the drumline , when Wade wants to know what Dr. Lee  is planning for the BET big southern classic a large competition of college bands.

Devon realizes he was trying to use him to steal A&Ts performance plans  and that his heart and honor is still with the A&T Band he rejects the scholarship from wade and returns to A&T.

 Though Devon isn’t still playing with the band, he doesn’t give up his drumming , after receiving tapes from his estranged father Ray he gains inspiration for the new drum arrangements, he goes to present these ideas to the band, he and Sean have a confrontation and clear the air.

 They begin to work together and present the idea to Dr.lee who decides to use the idea for the classic, Devon helps them prepare for the classic, and he patches things up with Laila , In appreciation for all his help and preparing the band for the classic seeing his maturity and growth he tells Devon that he can play in the band the following year.

The movie seems to be based on HBCU , Historical Black colleges I had some family members that attend different universities. My dad attend AT&T University in Greensboro North Carolina.

You will have to see the rest of the movie to find out what happens next I can assure you it is a wonderful and happy prodigious. 

I decided to write about this movie because Nick Cannon is one of my favorite celebrities,   Love his personality and his happy and bright smile and the heart that he has for people and his family. 

He is my top favorite host on the Masked Singer he does an excellent job on the show, he makes it so fun and entertaining and a good experience for everyone who is involved in the show and for everyone who is watching the show in person live and for those who are watching on screen at home. 
He does such an Awesome job playing this role he puts his whole heart and spirit into the character and brings him to life. 

The drumming in the movie reminds me of my Uncle he is an outstanding drummer, he plays the drums amazing and beautifully I know that it’s Music to Gods ears he’s playing the drums since his Childhood, when he was younger, he would drum on the table and his mom and my mom who is his sister said that he has a good beat. Always a good and exciting Time when I see him and my Aunt. I don’t know what I’d do without them,  I’m blessed and grateful to be their niece.

He plays the drums for a few different churches and I have been blessed to hear him play the drums whenever I go to visit with him and my Aunt and Cousins, he plays the drums to bring glory to God and also I think because it brings him joy and makes him happy, when I hear a song playing I often think of my uncle and say to my mom or myself I see my uncle playing this song.

I’m praying to God that my Uncle will have a chance to play in a band with a well known artist and then once people hear him play the drums then more people will want him to play for them, I Know that God will do more than he is expecting.  I often find my self  air drumming to different songs that I hear I air drum my pretend drums and move my hands like my uncle does when he plays his drums. He is loved by so many and brings joy to a lot of people blessed to have him. I love my uncle very much, he always brings joy and happiness to my heart and spirit.

 I can also relate to this movie personally you see because I have a cousin named Devin , everytime I see the movie, I think of my cousin Devin because he is smart, and caring and has a big and wonderful heart, and is Loving, kind, and always has a bright and happy smile on his face when I see him, he always knows how to cheer me up and put a smile on my face. He is also loved by many and is a wonderful friend, cousin ,brother, son and father . I love him so much with all my heart.♥️ I am so grateful and thankful for him.
I recommend this movie to anyone who wants to watch a good musical and fun movie 🎥 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Lion 🦁 king in honor of James Earl Jones


Hey Everyone!!! Today I decided to do my blog on lion king 👑 in honor of James Earl Jones! He played Mufasa.

 I’ll give some more facts on him later, the movie starts out in Pride Rock with all the animals gathered around to see the newborn lion 🦁 cub, King Mufasa and Queen Sarabi newborn son Simba is presented to the gathering animals by rafaki the kings shaman and advisor .

His younger brother scar covets the throne. Mufasa shows Simba the pride lands and forbids him from exploring beyond the borders of the landshe explains to Simba the responsibilities that comes with being a king and the great circle of life which connects all living things.

Scar tricks Simba  into exploring an elephant grave yard, which is beyond the pride lands, Simba and his best friend Nala are approached and chased  by three hyenas named Shenzi, Ed, and Bonzai.

The king is alerted by Zazu his majordomo hornbill bird about what’s happening with Nala and Simba He immediately goes to rescue the cubs.

Though the king is disappointed in Simba for disobeying him and putting himself and Nala in danger he forgives him and they spend time together and play together , and look at the stars , he tells Simba the great kings of the past look down on them from the stars and one day he will look down on Simba from those stars.

Scar goes to tell the hyenas that he is hatching a plan to kill the king and Simba in exchange for hunting rights in the pride lands.

Scar sets his trap for Mufasa and Simba, he tells Simba that there is a special surprise waiting for him, he sits him on top a rock and tells him the surprise is to die for, all of a sudden he hears a noise it is a stampede , he tells the hyenas to drive a herd of wildebeest to trample Simba.

Scar runs to tell Simbas father about the stampede and Simba is in danger the king runs to save Simba, he does save Simba he ends up getting stuck in the stampede and he begs scar for help, scar refuses and throws him off the rock, and the king ends up passing away in the stampede.

Scar tricks Simba into thinking his dads death was his fault he tells him to run away and never return, he sends the hyenas after him to finish the job.

Simba escapes and he is unfounded by the hyenas they say they will tell scar that he is gone, and they yell to Simba if he ever comes back they will kill him.

Scar is unaware of Simbas survival he shares with the lions that Simba and Mufasa have passed away and that he is the king of Pride Rock now, he allows the hyenas into the Pride lands. 

Simba is rescued in a desert and founded by a meerkat and a warthog named Timon and Pumba, he hangs out with them for awhile and they become friends with Simba, he learns of the motto they live by no worries Hakuna Matata.

 Simba in his teen years rescues Timon and Pumba from his best friend Nala who he hasn’t seen in years, they fall in love , Nala Urges him to come home and tells him the Pride lands is being destroyed by Scar he needs to take over Pride Rock.

 Simba runs away angry, he is still feeling guilty about his dads passing , Simba encounters Rafaki and tells him his dads spirit lives on in him, and Simba is visited by his dads spirit he tells him that he must take his place as king and remember who he is, Rafaki advises him to learn from his past and not run away from it. Simba decides to Return home and take back Pride Rock from his Uncle. 

You will have to see the rest of the movie to find out what happens, I can assure you it is a happy ending, it’s an amazing beautiful story.

 I loved how Mr. James Earl Jones played the king 👑 he put his whole heart and spirit into the character of Mufasa, he will forever be my Mufasa and he will be remembered forever he left an incredible mark on the world and has touched millions of hearts and lives, and has been in incredible movies like Coming to America, Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins, The Lion King, and the new Lion King, Sandlot, Claudine , he had such a calming and strong unique voice and personality that everyone loved 🥰 and will always remember and Cherish .  

My favorite scene from Lion King is when Timon tells Simba you’ve got to put your past behind you, you can’t dwell on the past because it’s gone and you have to focus on what’s happening now yes you may have had a few rough times in the past you have gotta move on and keep moving forward.

 I have had a couple rough times in my past, and there a couple times that I have dwelled on it, I realize that I can’t deep dwelling on the past because it’s over .

I have to keep my head up and remember who I am and whose I am and keep moving forward and living life happily and to the fullest , if you have had a rough past I am sorry, try to move past it and keep your head and keep moving forward and try to have no worries Hakuna Matata and know that everything will be ok.  I have good people in my life who help me keep my head up and keep me encouraged my bestie and my big sister I call her my Queen she will forever be my Queen, she has helped me so much through different stages in my life, and has helped me keep my head up I don’t know what I’d do without her, and I’m blessed 🥹 with amazing friends that are also helping me through this time in my life and I’m so grateful and blessed for them.

 I just want you all to know that it will all be ok, and it will work out keep holding your head up and remember who you are and whose you are, I know I am Princess Emerald and I am loved and cared for by many and I am a Nittany lion, I am chosen and a daughter of the King, and I am a sister cousin , and friend. I am so grateful to be all of those.

My favorite scene from lion king is when Simba sings I just can’t wait to be king, he’s so excited about what’s to come and the different plans he has on being King. I also like the scene where Simba is Stuck with the hyenas and Simba roars at them, and they laugh at him because he has a tiny roar, they laugh at him and tell him to roar again and this time it’s a ferocious roar and the hyena’s definitely get scared then because the roar comes from his father, Simba doesn’t know his dad is behind him. The hyenas definitely get scared and tell Mufasa they will leave Simba and Nala alone.

I recommend this movie to anyone who wants to watch a good story. Thank you Mr. Jones for playing an incredible character and leaving a great voice to the world that will be remembered and cherished forever.


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory


Hey Everyone !!! Happy Thursday, I hope you all are doing well and having a great day!! 

I have decided to write about the movie Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory. It’s one of my favorite movies.

It starts off with Charlie Bucket who is a poor paperboy, he passes Willy’s chocolate factor and the tinker that works there tells him no one ever comes in or out of the factory.

Charlie makes it home his grandparents live with him , his grandpa Joe tells him he worked for Wonka, he tells him that Wonka has shut down the factory due to espionage from rival confectioners.

 Production resumed three years later, and the new workers are unknown, the factory remained closed to the public. 

Willy announces that there is a contest being launched, hidden among five out of billions of Wonka’s chocolate bars are five golden tickets 🎫 .

The  big prize is whoever finds the tickets will receive a lifetime supply of chocolate and get to visit Mr. Wonka’s long isolated factory for a free tour. 

Once everyone hears about this the whole world goes crazy, with Wonka chocolates being sold out at almost every store, the first Golden ticket is found by a gluttonous greedy German boy named August Gloop.

The second is found by a spoiled ,immature little girl named Veruca Salt, whose father utilized his peanut factory workers to open Wonka bars from dawn until dusk. 

The third ticket is found by a girl named Violet who is an avid gum chewer ,having chewed a piece of gum for three months straight to achieve a world record, the fourth ticket is found by a boy named Mike Teevee who is obsessed with guns and televisions particularly westerns , a mysterious man always shows up and whispers into the ticket winner’s ears, while the children are claiming the tickets in turn, and the adults go to crazy lengths to find the tickets on their own.

 Charlie spends one night wondering around Town thinking what will happen if he misses out, Grandpa Joe uses all of his tobacco money to buy two Wonka bars one at a time for Charlie, neither one contains a ticket, the wonderful bond he has with his grandpa is all the stronger for that.

 Finally a Paraguayan television network announces that a millionaire living in the Andes has claimed the fifth ticket , with all the tickets gone and no more to hunt for the world gets back to normal.

 Charlie is heartbroken about the Chance he missed , he goes to school the next day doing his best to put it all behind him, he is on his way to deliver papers he finds some some money in a storm drain next to the candy shop.

He fishes the money out and goes to buy Wonka chocolates including a regular Wonka bar as he goes to claim his papers to start his route.

 He hears commotion over a headline FiFTH TICKET FRAUD, while the adults are talking about  the fraud Charlie starts to unwrap slowly the Wonka bar he bought and finds the fifth golden ticket.

Charlie’s discovery excites and electrifies the town folk, one of their own has claimed the genuine fifth ticket , people are trying to get the ticket from him or buy it from Charlie is excited about seeing the factory and having a lifetime supply of chocolate.

 Mr. Joepeck helps Charlie still holding the ticket tells him to run home and not stop until he gets home which Charlie does very happily, as Charlie is almost home he runs into the man who has put himself in all the other celebrations though Charlie isn’t media savvy he doesn’t know about it, he introduces himself as Arthur Slugworth, and offers Charlie a 10,000 dollar stock certificates if he will quietly abstract from the factory a secret prototype recipe of an Everlasting Gobstopper formula.

 Charlie rushes the rest of the way home and announces his find, Grandpa Joe reads the ticket terms which says the tour is October 1st, which is the next day, the holder of the ticket may bring one family member as a chaperone.

Charlie decides to bring his Grandpa Joe, who happily agrees and manages to get out of bed for the first time in 20 years, the next morning the town puts on a celebration with a band to see the opening of the factor doors promptly at ten o’clock the doors open . 

Out walks Willy Wonka he is leaning heavily on a cane and follows the pathway to the pavement ,  he gets to the end of the path and leaves his cane behind stuck into the ground , and then he leans over about to fall , he does a somersault leading into the adventure that follows.

He calls the ticket holders to step forward Veruca salt insists on going first though hers was the second ticket the other kids don’t care what Order they go in through .

the kids introduce themselves and Wonka greets them and this parents , for the girls their fathers, for Augusts and Mike their mothers and grandpa Joe, Wonka leads them all inside, he asks the kids to first sign a contract with print that starts out large and ends in being very small, the kids have signed the contract and the tour begins the first stop is the chocolate room which includes a candy land with a river of chocolate and other sweets 🍭, the visitors meet Wonka’s workers who are orange and short they are Oompa Loompas . 

You will find out how Wonka came upon them when you watch the movie, the tour that is going on one by one the kids fall into temptation that play upon their most profound weaknesses of character Augusts falls into a river of chocolate and gets sucked in an extractor pipe , they go on Wonka’s boat ride through a dark tunnel and visit an inventing room where Violet starts chewing on a prototype experimental piece of gum that isn’t finished yet, it’s supposed to have the taste of a three course meal, with blueberry pie for desert she is transformed into a talking blueberry .

Veruca the selfish girl falls through an educated Egg -dictator which can tell the difference between good eggs and bad eggs, all the bad eggs go down the garbage chute that’s where Veruca went and her father follows her down, Mike is impressed by Wonka’s new invention called Wonka vision which can shrink down giant Wonka bars and transmit them through television.

 Mike goes through it and ends up reduced into a little tiny person about a twelfth of his normal size, Charlie and his grandpa give into temptation in between the girls mishaps they sample fizzy drinks and float up a chimney, they risk running into a exhaust fan, they manage to burp their way down and rejoin the others, it’s the end of the tour.

 Wonka thanks Charlie and his grandpa for coming and heads into his office you’ll have to see the movie to see what his office looks like, his grandpa Joe asks Willy about the lifetime supply of chocolate the ticket promised Wonka tells Joe that Charlie disqualified himself  by stealing fizzy drinks which violates the contract.

 Grandpa Joe becomes angry at Wonka he suggests to Charlie to give slugworth the prototype Gobstopper as revenge Charlie can’t bring himself to hurt Wonka intentionally, he approaches Wonka one last time and sets the candy on his desk, Wonka joyfully declares Charlie has won the contest, he reinstated the chocolate prize and reveals slugworth is his employee of his named Mr.Wilkinson the offer to buy the Gobstopper was a morality test for the kids which only Charlie passed.

 The rest of the movie Is really good and has a very happy ending, I decided to write about this movie because I love the story , and I also really love chocolate and I like how the characters are written in the story and how they are portrayed , Charlie is my favorite character in the story because he reminds me of myself, his kind and friendly personality and his love for his family.  

The moral of the story is hard work pays off, That is something my grandfather always told me hard work pays off. I want you all to know that the hard work that you all do will pay off and you will be blessed In the end

Also people have mentioned that I have a heart of gold, I believe that to be true, because

I am Honest and not greedy, the characters who are greedy and selfish do not fare as well as Charlie. 

Another important lesson in the movie is honesty is the best policy,  the characters who are honest and truthful get rewarded.  I recommend this movie to anyone who wants to a have a good laugh and watch a nice story .

Drum line

Hey Everyone !!  Hope you are having a wonderful and amazing day!! I have decided to do a blog on one of my favorite movies Drumline Starrin...