Friday, May 28, 2021

The Hate You Give

 Hello everyone, I decided to write a blog on today's current events. I decided to write about the movie, the Hate you give. It is a about a girl named Starr and her family. 

This is a very important part in the beginning of the movie, It shows the dad sitting down with his children talking about the police, and what they should do if they get stopped by the police. 

He also gives them rules to memorize and to carry with them through-out their lives, he wants his children to stay safe. They have a gang that lives in their neighborhood, you will see that in the movie. There is also a scene where the father explains the meaning of the names he gives his children to his children, that is a powerful scene. It is a very significant part to the movie. 

Starr lives in a rough neighborhood,  In her neighborhood, she can be herself and feel comfortable. She goes to a public school in a busy area. In her school, she is known as the calm girl. 

She is two versions of herself, when she goes to school she is one version like she is easy-going, and doesn't cause any trouble. When she goes home she becomes another version, she is like happy to be home, hanging out with her friends and happy to be herself. 

She has siblings two brothers, their names are Seven and Sekani. Seven is her half brother,they have the same dad and a different mom. Her little brother is her whole brother. They all get along well. 

One night Starr gets invited to go to a neighborhood block party, she goes with one of her friends to the party. While she is there for a little, she notices one of her child-hood friends that she hasn't seen in forever. 

Her Child-hood friend was her first kiss. They had crushes on each other all their lives, Starr has a boyfriend named Chris you will see him in the movie, and learn about him in the movie, he is a really nice guy. He cares a lot about Starr. 

Her child-hood friend is named Khalil, he is so excited to see her, she has a big smile on her face about seeing him too. They catch up for a few minutes at the party, and then Khalil asks her if she would like to take a ride with him. 

Starr tells him she would like too, she cannot leave her friend, he tells her she will be ok. They go for the ride in the car, and listen to music, have a lively and joyful conversation, while they are riding along and talking Khalil pulls the car over for a minute, Khalil tells Starr that he really likes her, he gives her a kiss, she tells him that she has a boyfriend, he says that he knows and have heard about him then he tells her that they have time and continue driving. 

This is when Khalil's life and Starr's life changes drastically, while Khalil is almost to Starr's home the police sirens go off, he pulls the car over after he does that Starr hears and remembers in hear head what her father told her when she was a little girl what she should do if she ever got stopped by the police. 

She places her hands on the dashboard then tells Khalil to do the same thing so the police don't suspect anything is wrong or they are hiding something. 

The Police comes to the car, and asks Khalil the basic questions. Then he asks Khalil some other questions and Khalil starts getting frustrated and upset Starr is trying to help him by saying listen to the officer, he isn't hearing Starr at the moment because he is so mad and frustrated at the situation. 

The Police officer asks for his license and registration and to get out of the car and wait. Khalil tells him where his license and registration is and asks him if it's ok if he takes his hands down. 

The officer says ok, he takes them out and hands to the police officer and then gets out of the car. He stands for a few minutes by the car, he then decides to check to see how Starr is doing, he goes to the window of the car and asks Starr how she is doing, she says she is fine, and Khalil should go back to where he was the first time. 

Khalil first reaches for something inside of his car, the police sees that he has something in his hand and bringing it out of his car, then he shoots him three times. Khalil falls to the ground, and drops the object he had in his hand which was a hairbrush. 

Starr hears the shots and then gets out of the car and sees Khalil on the ground, and dying. She asks\the police officer what did he do? He says I thought he had a weapon in his hand it looked like a weapon. There is more in the story that happens with Khalil, Starr is the main Witness in Khalil's Story and shooting.

In the movie you will see how Starr's life changes, and how her life at school changes, her personality changes, you will also see what happens with her friends and her boyfriend. 

You will see how this impacts her family too, and how their lives change. And there is a very Important scene where Starr learns how to use her voice, and not let anyone make her be quiet, and that when she is ready to talk she should talk so people can know the truth about what happened and what's going on in the world.

I chose to write about this movie today because there is a lot of things happening in the world, a lot of events occurring happy and sad events, It is important to know what is going on in the world because I think some people want to have some knowledge of what is going on in the world, so they can know how to face the situation, and know how to move forward, and know what to expect.  

Some Positive events that have happened are some kids got scholarships to schools, and got accepted to different football teams. There was different black lives movements, saying that black lives are important too. It was shown on different news stations of people coming together and showing different communities of people using their voice of and showing what is important to them. There is another significant scene in the movie where you see Starr use her voice in front of everyone, she is really brave and courages, she is brave enough to put her life on the line in front of the police to let them know that her and everyone's life is important. 

The Hate U Give (2018) - IMDb

Friday, May 21, 2021

50 First Dates

 Hey everyone today I decided to write about one of my favorite Adam Sandler movies, It is called 50 first dates. Adams character is named Henry and Drew Barrymore is in the movie she plays Lucy.

 Henry is an animal vet. Henry goes on different blind dates with different women because he is afraid of commitment and he hasn't met the right girl yet.

 One day he goes to get some breakfast, and after he makes his order, he sees Lucy and immediately becomes interested in her and he wants to make a connection with her. 

He goes over to her table and introduces himself, he notices that she likes eating and making different objects out of her waffles. He helps her makes her make a door on her waffle castle she smiles and laughs they have a good conversation, and then he says that he has to go and he will see her later. 

The next day he goes to the restaurant again, he sees Lucy in the same booth, this time he sees that lucy in the same booth that she was sitting in before. 

Lucy doesn't notice him right away, Henry comes up with a plan to get her to notice him, he picks up the menu and starts crying because he is pretending like he can't read. Lucy hears him crying she goes over to where he is sitting and asks him what's wrong? 

He says that he can't read, Lucy tells him that she will help him, at first he says no and that he can figure it out by himself. Lucy sees that he is struggling and then she says let me help you, he decides to let her help him, with her help he says I am getting the hang of it now thank you. 

Lucy says your welcome. They meet a few more times at the restaurant, until one day something unexpected happens the day when Henry goes to the restaurant .

 He goes over to Lucy and starts talking with her, he sits down in the booth, he plays with her waffles like he did before, that makes her upset because she says that she doesn't know him and doesn't like him touching her food. He tries to explain who he is to her, then Lucy says help. One of the workers in the restaurant comes over to where Lucy is and tells henry that they need to talk outside.

 They go outside and Henry tells the restaurant worker lady that he doesn't understand why Lucy doesn't remember who he is, she tells him that Lucy was in a very bad car accident, and got hurt very badly from the cause of the accident she ended up receiving short-term memory loss, she remembers everything before the accident but not anything after the accident. 

She can't remember anything that happens after the day is over. She does the same thing every day because that is something that she remembers doing before the accident. 

I don't want to give away any spoilers but you will see how Lucy and Henry's storyline plays out in the movie. It is very heart-warming and has some funny parts along the way I think you will enjoy it.

I chose to write about this movie today because it is a movie that I enjoy, I like Adam Sandler he makes me laugh a lot and puts a smile on my face. Drew Barrymore is also a wonderful actress, I enjoy a lot of her movies.  This movie is also encouraging because Adams's character Henry sees a girl that he likes and isn't afraid to commit himself too, even though she has a memory loss he never gives up and goes after his dream girl. It shows how much he likes her and loves her.

My favorite part of the movie is when Henry is working at his Vet Job and one of the seals is pretending to be sick. Henry decides to play a prank on his assistant'/co-worker Alexa. Alexa notices that something is wrong with seal, she runs to tell henry that something is wrong with him. He follows her to where the seal is, and he tells her to stay calm and what he needs to make the seal feel better. 

He tells her to go to the barrel and get a fish for the seal to eat, she goes to the barrel and looks for a fish for the seal, she pulls one out and he tells her that is too tiny, she goes deeper in the barrel and pulls out a bigger fish. He says that's perfect. before he gives the seal the fish, he pushes on his stomach and then the seal burps on Alexa. Henry starts laughing, Alexa says I am going to change my clothes. Henry tells the seal that was Awesome! That is what she gets for eating my sandwich! He gives the seal a high five and his fish.

I would recommend this movie to anyone who wants a good hearty laugh because there is a lot of funny scenes to laugh to in the movie.

Watch 50 First Dates Streaming Online | Hulu (Free Trial)

Wednesday, May 19, 2021


 Hey everyone, I have decided to write a rom-com movie. The Movie Stars Will Smith, Eva Mendes and Kevin James, Amber Valletta, Will Plays Hitch, Eva Plays Sara, Amber Plays Allegra, Kevin Plays Albert.

 Will Smith plays the character Alex Hitchens, He is a dating coach he helps men win the girl of their dreams with different tips and maneuvers.

 Kevin James plays the character Albert, he is interested in a woman named Allegra.  He wants to win her heart, One day Hitch is helping one of his clients and after he is coaching his client, he finds Albert and studies him to see if he can help him out to win the girl of his dreams. 

Hitch walks up to Albert and introduces himself, He tells Albert that he is a dating coach, he helps men in their relationships with women, and help them get the women of their dreams.

 Albert asks him if he can help him out Hitch says sure, He goes over everything with him, and everything that he is supposed to do to win her heart.  

He gives Albert guidance and directions, like what he should do and not do on dates, and what he should say when he is on his dates with Allegra.

 Albert is very pleased to have Hitch guiding him and directing him in the way he should go to have a happy and exciting life. 

You will see the different ways that Hitch helps Albert and see the different steps he gives him when he is on the early stages of dating the woman that his heart desires to spend the rest of his life with. 

While Hitch is helping Albert, Hitch finds a woman named Sara that he is interested in. And possibly wanting to spend his life with. You will see in the movie the adventure that Hitch has with his crush, a lot of funny and hilarious events happen.

I chose to write about this movie because I enjoy a lot of Will Smith Movies. He is a wonderful Actor, and portrays the character that he was assigned to play in his different movies very well. 

You feel like the character that he is playing is a real person because he puts everything that he has into that character, like in Aladdin he played the Genie.

And he was very believable he worked hard to make sure when he played the genie that it  would be a phenomenal performance. He did a terrific job as the Genie.

 He is my favorite character from Aladdin. I also like romantic comedies because it gives me a nice feeling in my heart because a lot of romantic comedies are heart-warming and funny. This movie is something I think everyone would enjoy because It has a lot of good characters, wonderful scenery and a very good plot.

I enjoy that Will smith really dug into his character of Hitch and you can see in the movie what an amazing job he did playing Hitch, he really brought of the character of Hitch and made it his own. He put all of his heart and spirit into this role so the audience could feel the emotion and everything else that is happening with Hitch. 

My favorite Part of Hitch is when Hitch is practicing different dance moves with Albert, he is showing him the right dances moves to do with the girl of his dreams. He tells him to stay relaxed and to dance in a fun, and cool way , You will see in the scene how Hitch directs Albert on dancing it is very funny. He tells him just to stay on the beat when he is dancing, and not to any crazy stuff that might scare Alegra off. 

I would recommend this movie to anyone who loves a good romantic comedy, I am sure you will really enjoy it when you see it.

Watch Hitch Full Movie Online | DIRECTV

Monday, May 17, 2021

John Q

 Hey everyone today I am writing about one of Denzel Washington's movies John Q. It is a drama/action movie. It is a good movie and heart wrenching, It pulls at some of your heart strings. John and his family are a happy and living life fine.

 The movie starts out with John watching tv and then he hears a noise outside of his window, he sees a truck outside and immediately runs outside to talk to the guy outside that his car on his tow truck.

He tells him that taking his car is a mistake and that he just payed the car bill, his wife Denise then gets upset about the situation because that is her car that is being towed away. John and Denise go back inside the house to eat breakfast, his wife is still somewhat upset about the car situation, she frustratedly tells him they took my car, John tells her that he is only getting a certain amount of hours on his job and he is doing  his best, he wants Denise to tell him that it is ok, and that everything will be fine.

 Denise says that it is fine and she will be ok.John tells her that everything will be ok and he will be able to work everything out with the car situation, she tells him that she needs a ride to work. 

He is happy to give her a ride to work, John and Denise have a son named Mikey he loves body building, and all the people involved in body building. 

He knows all the movements and what is involved with body building, he is also a baseball player. Mikey in the beginning of the movie is a healthy, and happy boy. The family doesn't know that everything is about to change their life in an instant. The family all gets in John's truck so he can drop Mikey off at school, Denise off at work and then he goes to work. 

You will see what happens with John and his work in the movie, It is a very interesting plot that is involved with his work. They all go to church next, the day that they all go to church is the day everything changes for the family. 

Mikey has a baseball game that day, so they arrive at the baseball game and the game is going good so far, It is Mikey's turn at the bat, so he takes his stance at the home plate, and he hits the ball, he then starts running to the bases on the field, he almost makes it to all the bases something happens before he reaches the third base he collapses on the field and is unresponsive, his mom and dad run to him to see if they can get a response out of him, they see that they can't and they rush him to the hospital.

In the movie you will see what happens when he arrives at the hospital and gets checked in to the hospital. Once he is admitted, the parents go to meet his son's doctors in a board to discuss what is happening with Mikey, they found out that is heart is not working like it is supposed too, he needs a heart transplant. 

In the movie they discuss the treatment plan and how to make Mikey feel better and go home with his parents. You will see in the movie how good the storyline is and the length that parents go for their children because they love them so much and want the best for them. Denzel does an amazing Job in this movie, you will see what lengths he goes through to help his song get a transplant. 

 I enjoy that Denzel really puts himself into his character and into the role of the father to the character Mikey. He does everything to make sure his son gets a new heart. He puts his own life in jeopardy and at stake for Mike to continue living his life. In the Movie there is a scene where John comes out of the hospital to talk to the police officer detective about his son.

 He tells him that he is not going to bury his son his son is going to bury him. That scene struck my heart, I cannot imagine what it is like for a parent when they have to bury their child. I imagine that the pain is unbearable and the most heart-breaking thing in the world. Denzel just wanted his son to be happy and healthy again, He was going to do whatever it took to get his son healthy and happy again, and living the life he was living before. 

I like this movie because it shows how much parents love their kids and go the extra mile for them because their child means everything to them, and they want their child to know that they are loved and cared for, and that they will always be there for them,and they can always count on them if they need anything. 

I have decided to write about this movie today because this is a really good and touching movie, You see what extraordinary measures Denzel's character takes to make sure his son gets a heart transplant and able to continue living his life. And it shows the love and compassion that parents have for their children.

I would recommend this movie to anyone who loves drama movies, and good heart-warming stories. 

John Q Review | Movie - Empire

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Daddy Day Care

 Hey everyone, Today I am going to write about a movie that I enjoy watching the movie is Daddy Day Care it stars Eddie Murphy and Regina King. It is about a dad and son, the dads characters name is Charlie and his son's name is Ben. The Dad likes his job ok, his son wishes that his dad did not have to go to work so he could spend more time with him. 

His dad gets fired from his job, he decides to open a daddy day care center where him and his friends will take care of different kids and play with them in the daycare, his son Ben is excited because he will get to spend more time with his dad and make new friends. 

He starts handing out flyers to everyone to let them know about the daycare for their kids, his friend is handing out flyers to everyone as well, The next day the Daddy Day Care begins, the parents come to Charlie's  house to drop off their kids, Charlie and his friend tell the parents that their kid is in the very best care with him and his friend, that they do not have anything to worry about.  

The first day is a little rowdy because all the kids are excited, and having new and exciting experiences Charlie tells his friend that the kids are like animals they can smell fear, he tells them that they have to stay calm and relaxed and not get freaked out. 

Progressing and managing this daddy care is fun and exciting! I think it starts out a little stressful in the beginning because of the daycare and it is all new, Charlie and his friend are trying to find the right way to have fun with the kids, and also the right way to educate the kids, and how to handle them.  You will see In the movie how the daddy care is run, they do an excellent job with the daycare, they are very kind, caring, and care about the kids. 

They always make sure they are having fun and doing the right thing, and not getting into trouble. It is a comedy, It has a lot of funny and hilarious scenes in the movie. I think some of the scenes from the movie will give you a belly laugh. Eddie does a good job of playing his character in the movie. He puts all of himself into his character, the Actor who plays Ben does a good job too, you feel like they are the real life people who are playing the characters they were assigned in the movie. 

I chose this movie to write about today because it is a movie I really enjoy, It has a wonderful storyline good actors, and very funny, entertaining scenes. The Story is portrayed very well you feel like you are part of the story when you watch the movie Daddy Day Care, You feel like you are in the daycare with all the kids, the way the movie is projected. 

It is one of my favorite movies because I really enjoy comedies and family stories, It also gives my heart a warm feeling, the movie makes it feel happy and excited because when I watch the movie I am excited to see what is going to happen next in the movie. 

I enjoy how the dad comes up with an idea to run a daycare center , he is really excited to spend time with Ben, and I also liked how Ben made new friends. At first he was a little shy then he started making new friends and opening up more while the daycare was progressing and becoming more popular. 

My favorite part of the movie is when Ben asks his dad Charlie to do the rocket ship, that is something he really enjoys doing with his dad. Something that he holds close to his heart and very special to him, You can tell he loves it from the big smile on his face when his dad is doing the rocket ship for him. It is something that his dad enjoys doing with Ben too, he treasures it in his heart as well.

My favorite character in Daddy Day Care is Ben because he is kind, caring, outgoing, friendly, loves to have fun with his dad, He at first is a little shy when the daddy daycare began and seeing all new kids, he slowly started becoming comfortable as the daddy day care kept going, he eventually made a lot of friends and he was so excited and happy. He looked forward to seeing his new friends all the time and playing with them.

I would recommend this movie to anyone who would love to watch a good comedy family movie anytime. 


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Are we there yet?

 Hello everyone, I have decided to write about a rom-com it is a fun movie to watch with your family, It is about a woman, man, and kids. The Woman is named is named Suzanne and she has to find different babysitters to take care of her kids while she is working, she is also a single mom who sometimes go on dates if she gets asked out, her kids gives her dates trouble because they think the guy is trying to take their mom away from them.

 The Guy is named Nick he works in a store that has different kinds of antiques and expensive stuff inside it, he gets different kids a lot in his store touching everything, and they mess with the outside of his store too, they mess with the windows. Nick isn't a big fan of kids you will see in the beginning how he interacts with kids when they come and mess with his store. 

Then one day while he is at the store he gets a visit from his trouble makers that mess with him from time to time, they do something to the windows, he gets upset and tells them to leave his store alone and never come back he gets some cleaning stuff to clean the windows, while he is cleaning the window he sees a woman's reflection in the window he is amazed and shocked about how the woman looks, she looks amazing and beautiful to him the woman he sees is Suzanne.  

His Co-worker tells him that he should ask her out, he says ok I will so he goes over to talk to her while he is on his way over, in the movie from her point of view it looks like she is looking at nick and smiling at him while he is on his way over to talk to her he is smiling big at her too, he is almost there suddenly her kids show up before he ends up making it all the way to her. 

He then gets upset because he finds out that she has two kids, he makes his way back to the store and tells the co-worker he is not interested in going out anymore because she has kids. He goes back to working, It finally reaches closing time, he closes up his shop and is heading home, It is raining hard outside while he is driving he looks over and sees that Suzanne is needing help with something with her car, he at first passes her because he doesn't want to deal with the problem. 

He changes his mind and decides to help her out, he goes back to where she is and gets out of his car, they start making a connection with one another, he finds the problem with the car, he first tells her that it may not be a good idea to mess with jumper cables because of the rain and lighting, she pleads with him to help her because she is trying to get home to her kids, he says ok as he is trying to connect the jumper cables from his car to her car he ends up getting shocked and flying backwards toward the street. 

Her car is now no good anymore, he offers to give her a ride home to go to her kids, she says thank you so much that is very kind of you. He takes her home and they talk a little more while he is walking her to the door, before he leaves he asks her out on a date she accepts, as soon as she says yes and before he leaves that is when the kids show up, the mom tells them to back inside the house, she will be in the house in a minute. 

She tells Nick that she will see him tomorrow. You will see in the movie what else happens with Nick and Suzanne, the kids names are Lindsay and Kevin.  

It is quite an adventure it will make you laugh a lot and have joy and happiness in your heart, there is also some drama involved in the movie that makes it exciting to watch it keeps you on the edge of your seat. And wondering what is going to happen next while Nick and the kids are on an adventure together.

I decided to write about this movie because it is a good family movie, It has a lot of wonderful and funny scenes. It has good actors in the movie, a really good storyline that is involved in the movie, The actors in the movie make the audience feel like they are part of the movie while the Nick and the kids are on their adventure. It is funny what happens to Nick and the kids while they are spending time together, something comforting and happy happens to Nick in the movie that you will see when you watch.

 I believe it will comfort your heart too, Laughter is also really good for the soul, It is good to laugh because laughing makes you feel happy, and excited you don't have to worry about anything or have any stress when you are laughing because in that moment in time you are happy and excited at the moment. 

Like for example, I love laughing, It makes me feel good inside a lot of things make me laugh, One show that makes me laugh is Lucille Ball, she is very funny I love watching her I love Lucy episodes, she gives me a good cheering up when I need a good laugh or I will watch a movie that will make me laugh like the Movie RV with Robin Williams that is a good movie to watch with your family or friends. 

Steve martin and Will smith make me laugh too. Martin lawrence  also gives me a good laugh sometimes epically in the movie College Road trip he goes on a road trip with his daughter to spend time with her and scout more colleges you will have to see the movie it is very funny, the ending of the movie makes me laugh a lot.

 It is one of my favorite scenes from the movie. One of my favorite Steve Martin movies is bring down the house with Queen latifah, that is another funny movie you will have to check that movie out, It has a lot funny and action scenes in the movie. One of my favorite movies with Will Smith is the movie Hitch, that is a rom-com that is a wonderful movie that is another one to check out when you have a chance. 

My favorite scene from the movie is when they arrive at the airport to go their destination which you find out in the movie where they are traveling too, they arrive at the airport nick tells them before they get out the car to be very careful opening the door because he doesn't want the paint to get scratched. Well an accident happens with the door, Kevin pulls the handle to open the door, he opens the door and hits a yellow barrier it ends up making a mark on the car and scratching the paint. Nick gets very frustrated and upset. You will see in the movie what happens with Nick and Kevin in this scene, It is very funny what happens in this scene and the one when they go inside the airport.

My favorite character from the movie is Lindsay because she reminds me of myself with her love of singing, her love of family. She has a sassy and sweet personality, and very bubbly. She plays her character very well in the movie and makes her very believable like she is actually the real life character that she is playing in the movie. 

I would recommend this movie to anyone who loves comedies and wants to have a good laugh. Are We There Yet?: Ice Cube, Nia Long, Jay Mohr, Aleisha Allen,  Philip Bolden, Nia Yes, Brian Levant, Ice Cube, Matt Alvarez, Dan Kolsrud,  13 Productions; CubeVision: Movies & TV

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Be Our Guest!

Hey Everyone, I have decided to write about my favorite Disney movie, I have a lot of favorite Disney movies. This one is one that I like, It is Beauty and the Beast.

 It is about a young man named beast who has to learn how to use his heart in the right way in kindness&love instead of bitterness. One night he is having a ball in his castle, everyone is happy and dancing, talking and laughing with one another while the ball is going on there is a woman that enters the ball, she is a very old haggard woman that offers the beast a single rose in return for shelter and warmth from the freezing cold. 

Because of the way the beast's heart is right now he can not get past the way her face looks, she tells him that there is more to her in the inside then what is on the outside he still refuses her, then all of a sudden something magical happens she turns into a beautiful person, the beast then begs the woman to forgive him for not seeing what she truly looked like on the inside, she gives him a curse that turns him into a hideous beast, she curses all of his staff and friends in his castle too. 

She tells him the only way the curse will break is he has to learn how to love another girl, she has to love him in return, the rose is an enchanted rose, the rose will bloom till his 21st birthday, if he can not get a girl to fall in love with him and if the girl does not love him in return when the last petal off the rose falls he will remain a Beast.

I don't want to give away too many spoilers, there is a girl that he meets later in the movie, you will see what happens with the beast and beauty later in the movie. It is a very nice story of what happens with the beast and his heart. I think once you watch the movie you will find it very touching.

I chose this movie to write about today because it brings back wonderful memories for me, I was in involved in theater when I was younger one of the plays I performed in was Beauty and the Beast.

It was so much fun, I played a villager I got to be in the lot of the scenes in the play and sing a lot of the songs, It is something I will always remember, I also chose it because I love music and singing, the Music and singing in performed in the movie makes my heart happy and filled with joy, It puts a big smile on my face, The characters in the movie Are amazing too, they really give and portray their character in the movie really good.

My favorite Part of the movie is the Dance scene in the Movie where Belle is wearing a beautiful yellow dress, and the beast is dressed up in a nice suit, they dance together to the song Beauty and the Beast the scene is so calming and magical. It is a really beautiful scene, It shows that the beast and belle are starting to care for one another, and may end up falling in love and breaking the curse you will have to watch the movie to find out.

My favorite Characters are Belle and Lumiere because they are so bubbly, happy, filled with joy and excitement. They bring a lot of happiness and joy to the movie, they remind me of myself because I have that kind of personality bubbly, happy, excited and I have a heart filled with joy. They look for the best in everyone, wear their hearts on their sleeve, I also look for the best in everyone and wear my heart on my sleeve. They both love to sing and dance too, which is one of my favorite things to do as well. I also love the Be Our Guest scene in the movie It is wonderful. I think you will love that scene too. Disney fills my heart with so much joy and happiness, It makes me forget all of my worries and stresses It is the happiest place on earth to me. I love Disney so much. 

I would recommend this movie to anyone who is ready for a magical night of happiness, and excitement, adventure. It is a fantastic and amazing movie. 

Beauty and the Beast | Disney Princess Wiki | Fandom

Grown Ups

  Hey Everyone!!!  I hope your 2025, is going well so far, I can’t believe we are half- way through February, My birthday Month will be here...