Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Like Mike

 Hey everyone. I have decided to write about one of my favorite Bow wow movies, the movie is called Like Mike it stars Morris Chestnut and Bow Wow. 

It is a wonderful movie Bow wow’s character is named Calvin Cainbridge he lives in a orphanage with a few other kids and he made friends while he is living in the orphanage. 

His two best friends are named Murph and reg, his friend Murph is the youngest of the group.  At night time they have to sell candy bars for the director of the orphanage who is bossy and likes to make trouble. 

Calvin is a big fan of basketball, He loves the knights basketball team. Him and friends have to sell chocolate candy bars after each home game the knights play. 

One night while Calvin is asking different people while they are leaving the building after the game is finished if they want some candy they are saying that they aren’t interested or that they don’t want any candy.

While Calvin is feeling a little disappointed that no one wants any candy bars, he sees a car pull up to where he is and he sees that it is the knights basketball coach, he tells him that he is a big fan of him and the basketball team. 

He asks him if he would like to buy some candy, before the coach buys some candy he asks him if the candy is for a charity or for a cause.

 Calvin is honest with him about the candy and tells him that he doesn’t know where all the money goes too for the people who buy the candy. 

The Coach is impressed with his honesty and his knowledge about the basketball team. He gives him a gift  he offers him tickets to the next game.  Calvin is so excited to receive tickets to the basketball game and says thank you so much.

The next day Calvin finds a thrift store donation box, he finds a pair of shoes you will see how the pair of shoes works for Calvin in the movie it is very exciting what happens with Calvin and the shoes. 

There is initials written on the pair of shoes you will see what the initials are when you watch the movie. It is the letters of a very famous basketball player and they were once worn by him. 

There is a jealous bully at the orphanage his name is Ox and he messes with Calvin and his friends. Ox decides to take the sneakers from Calvin and he throws them on a power line.

It is raining very hard that night and there is thunder and lightning happening, he gets shocked  by a lighting bolt after he gets the shoes. 

He and friends then go to the basketball game to see their favorite team play against the Minnesota timberwolves. 

There is a basketball player that Calvin admires on the knights his name is Tracy Reynolds. 

It comes upon the second quarter In the game and Tracey is preparing for a half-time contest. And the most amazing thing happens Calvin’s number is called to play with Tracy. 

You will see how the contest goes between Tracy and Calvin In the movie , It is very surprising to see what happens to Calvin after the contest. And what happens with Calvin and the Knights and between Tracy and Calvin, you will also see what happens with Reg and Murph. It is a very happy thing . 

I decided to write about this this movie because it is a really good and family friendly movie . Bow wow does a terrific job and Morris Chestnut does a very good job in the movie .  It brings a big smile to my face every time i watch it.

 Bow is one of my favorite actors, my other favorite movie with him is Johnson family vacation. He really puts his himself into the movie character he plays.  Morris Chestnut does too , he is also one of my favorite actors. When you have the chance check out their movies , they are Incredible.

My favorite character from the movie is Calvin because, he is very caring and kind, and he looks out for everyone. You will see how Calvin transforms In the movie, and how he does something nice for Tracy in the movie, it is very heart warming. He reminds me of myself with his Kind and caring heart.

My favorite scene is when Calvin sneaks into Tracy’s car and Tracy doesn’t know that Calvin is in there. Tracy is at the pharmacy picking up some medicine for his allergies, After he gets his medicine he goes back to his car and turns on the radio, a song comes on that he likes and he starts singing along with it, Calvin then pops up from the back seat and sings along with him, he surprises Tracy and he tells Tracy he snuck in his car when he was heading out the hotel. And then Tracy goes back to singing the song , bow wow says that he can do a better job. It is a very funny and happy scene. You will see when you watch the movie.  I have a Little tip pay close attention to what happens in this scene and the next scene, something good happens. I think it will make you smile.

I recommend this movie to anyone who loves a good sport family friendly movie. It is very enjoyable.



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