Tuesday, March 8, 2022

My Favorite Celebrity Adrienne-Bailon-Houghton

 Hey everyone! It is March my Birthday Month! I have decided to write about a celeb that I admire and Inspires me, her name is Adrienne Eliza Bailon-Houghton,  she is phenomenal and a kind, caring, compassionate humble woman.

 I have looked up to her since my childhood years, I came to know her in my middle school years when I first watched That's so Raven and she played a character named Alana the school bully.  

I also came to know her from the Cheetah girls she played Chanel and did an outstanding job, Chanel is my favorite Cheetah girl she really brought her to life and her character seemed like a real person that you would you know in everyday life. 

I also know her from I am in love with a church girl where she played Vanessa that is a wonderful movie. I also know her as Gabby from the movie All You've Got! I know her from a lot of movies that I enjoy and like, I have a few of her movies that she has been in as well! I also know her from the Real Day Time Talk show she does an outstanding Job!

She is one of my role models and I am so happy and encouraged that I have a positive caring, kind and loving person that I can look up to and learn a lot of things from! She is very strong, brave and confident ! I believe that God has a lot more wonderful and fun things in store for her and Isreal and her life and family, friends!

 I love her singing voice, it really touches my heart and spirit! She can sing she sings with all her heart and soul, you can really feel it inside whenever you hear her sing!

 I love her personality it is so bubbly and fun! She loves being a Latina that is very important and dear to her. She also loves salsa dancing and making food and creating different food recipes.

 She also loves being a host on the real and a Judge on the new Fox Tv show I can see your voice, she does a marvelous job on that show and gives the contestants wise advice. I watch the show very Wednesday with my dog Elijah we enjoy it together. 

I also really enjoyed her on the masked Singer, she did an outstanding and terrific job! She really put her whole-self into her flamingo costume and you could feel her heart and soul pouring out whenever it would be her turn to perform on the show. 

My favorite performance that she did was the song Never Enough! That was very heartfelt! It made my heart feel warm inside! Whenever you have a chance look up that performance you will love it! 

And Adrienne has gone through trials and tribulations even after all the hard things she has gone through she has still held on to her faith and kept on moving forward with God because she knew that God had something big and good planned for her. 

She brightens up every room she goes too, and always puts a smile on everyone's face. Her and Isreal are a power couple, they make each other very happy and they support one another and are always there for each other. And they always put each other first. 

I have always wanted to meet her and say hello to her and say how much she inspires and encouraged me throughout my life. 

God favored Me because I learned through Instagram that she was going to be at Bridge way Community Church in Columbia Maryland. They were doing three services at the two churches of Bridgeway Isreal had a concert on Saturday and then they were going to be talking in the morning at the first church where he had the concert at on that Sunday morning . 

My mom and I  decided to go to the morning service that Sunday where they were going to be, we made it to the service. They did an amazing and encouraging talk! 

And then they sang about the Goodness of God, that was a very powerful and beautiful performance! 

After that service was done, I was hoping that they would come out to the lobby so I could say hello, After a few minutes of waiting my mom and me decided to go to the other church where they were going to be to support them and see where the church is located. 

So we made it to the church and we watched them talk from the lobby on the tv screen again we were very inspired and encouraged! 

After that service was over, the pastor prayed over them and then said they had to go to the airport to head back to LA, so my mom and me were still in the lobby and then I look over my shoulder and I see Adrienne down the hall! 

My heart was leaping in my chest, I was so excited my mom said let's go! By the time we made it down the hallway she was gone, so we went outside and saw a Red Limousine and we figured that they would be exiting the church and going into that limousine, I was praying that I would have a chance to say hello, so we went back inside and guess what!

 I see Adrienne walking towards the exit of church it was like a spotlight was shining on her, I was calm on the outside on the Inside I was saying it's Adrienne it's Adrienne! 

She looked over at me and smiled I said hello, and then she said hello! I thought of the verse she said that morning I can do all things through Christ who strengths me, so I asked her if I could take a picture with her please she said Of Course you can! 

I was so blessed and honored to meet her! 

It is one of the best moments in my life and one I will always treasure and keep close to my heart! Adrienne is magnificent and a wonderful human being! I will always be a big fan of hers and always support her and encourage her!

Adrienne Bailon | POPSUGAR CelebrityThe Cheetah Girls: One World - Chanel (Adrienne Bailon) | The cheetah  girls, Popsugar fashion, 2000s fashion outfits

Adrienne & Israel Houghton Release More Photos of Their Parisian Wedding |  BellaNaija

1 comment:

  1. Love her and her beatuiful voice since 3LW. Everything she do is amazing. I would love to meet her and Israel.


Grown Ups

  Hey Everyone!!!  I hope your 2025, is going well so far, I can’t believe we are half- way through February, My birthday Month will be here...